Q&A: It’s the Beginning of the End for FGM


When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he
circumcised all the male children and he was

circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The

agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily

his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life.

When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise their

girls, the message was given in a spiritual language and bore two warnings. The

Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate their daughters and fathers were

commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of their daughters making them


. Girls who face the evil cut become
prostitutes on alter of Satan

which pollutes the land. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead.

Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed by

marriage. She bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on alter

Satan while still In her flower age under her parental care. Unless she gets

saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18)

she shall go to her grave a prostitute. Thus there were no sexual mutilations

among the Israelis women. The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving

the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits.

She remained a spring shut up and a blessed fountain sealed in divine state.

Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19.

By instinct mans’ hand lands at the garden

of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state. The Israelis brethren

never married from alters of Satan. Israelis women remained lively and

delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:1


That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who

had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and

Puah as their reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of

Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily
delivered. Pharaoh was aware

that the Egyptians women went through Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations

and the difficulties they faced in delivering children were known to him thus

he agreed with the midwives’ answer. God has promised our beloved sisters save

child delivery. 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the

threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh, soft bones and
to demonic

world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they

have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional women

circumcisers die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child

holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is

sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face

the evil cut are leftovers from the alter of Satan and for a man marrying her

is equal to sharing a wife with Satan. Man takes the marriage supper the left

over from the alter of Satan us the dictate of demonic cultures. FGM is a

form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his

wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared

joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4. FGM is the
underserved and the unnecessary worst
evil committed on a girl child by her
parents .How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver

joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her

in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability.

In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the

evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be

ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play

wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice.

It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. FGM is an insult and assault
to womanhood. Let them pride

themselves in complete evil. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at

alters of Satan. Prostitutes made by parents in FGM are honored. Us no man can
miss the mouth even when eating in total

darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital coals removed in sexual

mutilation how foolish he is. Song of Solomon 2:6-7. Parents who

perform FGM are sources of families instabilities and great evils for the land.

FGM lay social foundations for unstable marital live. They are highly

entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. Ironically these parents are

active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous

unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of

Satan who have camouflage as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they

differ from magicians and witches? FGM is the parental satanic sexual sacrifice and abuse of
high order. They pollute the land in prostitution and

the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the

sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in mutilated state? It

is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why

should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the

country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After FGM is
done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of
the plight of evils done.

Can a girl

child with stolen womanhood find love in
her parents in subjecting her to FGM?. All boils down to

social rottenness that require Divine spiritual intervention. Clergy ought

teach and preach the truth and hold parents responsible for injustice committed

against their girl child in FGM.

It is awkward that laws are enacted to

stop parents from performing FGM. Men and women of upright minds come

together to stop atrocities done to a

girls child by her own parents, Un issue parents would have stopped on
learning the suffering girls go through
in fgm and after fgm. Instead

of her finding parental love and care, she

is ushered into brutality against her very womanhood. FGM has been used

as a disciplined measure against women by sexually crippling them against
perceived climes they have never committed. If FGM

install holiness in women as paramount foundation for a holy life before

marriage and in marriage, then there would never be divorce in marriages where

women have undergone FGM. This notion stipulate the mutilated sex organ of a

woman as centre of holiness and un institution of worship since in it mutilated

state chastity can be delivered. It

would mean men loosing self holiness in

God and having secondary holiness in God received from mutilated sex organ of a

woman there by making the sex of a woman a centre of worship. This is demonic

way of thinking and practice in life. FGM has zero benefit for a man and
a woman. FGM suppresses a woman libido
which can never be regained in marriage
.She is not adventurous in sexual relationship and the man takes the marriage
supper under set rules to hind her shortcoming in love. She cannot be Eve in
garden of Eden for the man. Marital freedom is denied .It makes a woman a land
without fence and a well without a cover. It is a barbaric culture imposed on
womanhood by parents and the society at large .Song of Solomon 4:12

It is evident FGM put God at faults for

providing a girl child with an active sexual organ. They view the active
sexual organ of

a girl child in its Divine active state as evil and a source of
immorality. Redemption and salvation for

themselves is crafted by sexually crippling the girl child in FGM whereby they

sacrifice the girl child sexual organ to Satan in the name of
morality for God.

Leviticus 19:28-29. By uplifting the sexual organ of a girl child as pillar of

morality in defiled mutilated state shift the blame game to the sexual organ of

a girl child as a source of immorality in a community hence all brutalities

direct against the girl child in all forms of FGM. The blame game is directed

against God for providing her with un active sexual organ thus they chop her
sexual organ to their taste to make her a sexual mute. She live with stolen
womanhood the lest of her lifetime.

This defeat any sense of humanity in them. It is cruelty on a girl child at

alter of family and community social holiness from demonic world. FGM was

authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing
in child birth as a Satanic

sacrifice. The fleshy sexual coals are

excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine

marital gift which she requires in

marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man

may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals

removed in FMG thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital

achievement . The fleshy coals are provided for marriage. 1Corithians7: 9. The

fleshy coals helps a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband

in marital relationship

It is quite evident parents are under cultural moral slavery siege and ready to

their daughters to FGM at demonic alter of cultures for community social

acceptance. FGM is more of rottenness of mans’ morals as the head of the
family. How would parents commit their daughters to FGM so us someone

can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How could someone

say it was done in honor of religion where God is mentioned and the clergy

exist? How will ever be compensated girls forced to FGM after abandoning the

evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated sex

organs remain and the wounded soul and spirit cry to God Almighty. Many parents

are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in institutions of

Godly worship. Even from time of old women can perform all types of
evils counting on their husbands’ support. Israelis women in
the Bible told Jeremiah the Prophet that the sacrifices they offered they did
so with the support and knowledge of their husbands. Jeremiah 44:19 Even today women
who force their daughters have FGM count on their husbands full support.
They confirm their husbands are part of Satanic sacrifice performed on their
daughters in FGM when they disregard Godly advice and truth concerning fgm. It
is the time parental love and care are nonexistent as the girl child is raised
on alter of Satan for fgm for demonic
morality chastity with full parental honor and the pleas by young girls for
justice fall to deaf ears.

. Who will pull out parents stuck
in the wilderness of

demonic cultures with love and care? FGM is in the bosoms of parents and the

community at large. It all boils down to communities social rottenness. The

fields of double faiths range in their hearts and they fail terribly to test of

faith in God.

GOD is not a respecter of persons and you cannot

modify evils committed by parents to less evils to look good. No form of FGM is

acceptable . To think you can subject girls to less invasive form of FGM is

spiritually not acceptable . Where Men

circumcision involves removal of a fold of the fore skin .FGM involves massive
dense muscles with high concentration

of sensitive net work of nerves and soft

bone removal. Her bone is left in the air to dry like wood. This is not
circumcision. It is Sexual excavation. Circumcision involves cutting round a
fore skin in man. Which man would ever leave cut part of his bone to dry in the
air like dead wood? After FGM there are no bows left for man to hold. Song of Solomon 7:8 .NO blood should be spilt in FGM. Leviticus
19:28-29. God purposed

a woman to enjoy sex in marriage. No Human being should play a God to her life.

Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Sexual joy is Divine given to her and parents have non

wrights in sexually crippling her in

FGM. Do not give parents a soft landing ground in their evils adventures by
making them

acceptable social criminals.

FGM is a faith moral issue based on culture. It is the deadly
beastly yoke of Satan on womanhood.
Satan activities have camouflaged themselves as Godly believers among
believers telling them they assist them in holiness in FGM. In FGM, the satanic
world is glorified. If we have to stop
FGM it cannot be based only on negative side effects inherited by FGM. Since it
is a faith issue

one can decide to live bearing all sufferings that come with FGM. It is known

even clinically trained personnel perform FGM with full background firsthand
knowledge of all

sufferings associated with FGM. They are

well paid by those who thirst to satisfy

they cultural based faith attachment in FGM even contrary to moral standards

of Godly believers. When FGM is involved

,God is of secondary important to them. It is the time Satan is Supreme in
their lives when all

demonic forces raise against the girl child. The clergy have more work to do in

preaching having to bring parents and young men on board to the full knowledge

of the Word of God. Young men know God

told Moses in Spiritual language that FGM is a Satanic sacrifice for non

believers hidden and preserved in parenthood for acceptance. Leviticus
19:28-29. Young men if you are presented with a

virgin sexually mutilated and a virgin who has her divine splendor of her sex

organ intact, who would you choose a wife having stood the test of faith in

Godly manner? The clergy cannot live

as though no Satanic sacrifices are performed on the girl child in FGM. In FGM the marriage bed is defiled .Young

men have reality faith in Godly

that you share a wife with Satan in FGM.

You cannot serve God and demons together. The choose is in your heart. Choose


In Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise the terror of silence and stand

for the divine wrights of their daughters. Parents owe their sons in laws

lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually

assaulted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually

cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained

by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God’s purposes for her live

destiny entity? No. There is holiness that pertains to children of God.

The sex organ of a girl child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations

as a gate way for man to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time

apology for their inhuman acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts.

Parents who force their daughters to undergo FGM exercise the most Dignified

Unreserved Beastly Cultural Atrocities on the girl

child with man child at the receiving end as beneficially.FGM remain the most horrible evil coveted by some
parents with full support of
grandparents and aunts. Proverbs14:1-2. A foolish woman destroys

her own house with her own hands. Let parents face the truth and know they have
evil thoughts against their girl child in FGM and they are terribly wrong . In
FGM, parents are a curse to a


It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ
to spend their early marriage life in double standards live to perpetuate FGM and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring
parents having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a well
intended time staged managed shedding of

blood and flesh of their daughters in FGM in early marriage life for
demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance .
But GOD can never be mocked. Some men
force their daughters to undergo FGM under their mothers’ pressure forgetting

are no curses for those in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb

26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are
under cultural moral slavery siege

and ready to sacrifice their daughters to FGM at alter of demonic

cultures for community social acceptance. Evil committed cannot be justified by
existent of time done.

Can man kneel before

God and support FGM. It is awkward to hear men say what is good for a

woman and not say what God say is good for a woman and him. It seems some

men want to craft a way of life for themselves in name of God. When God told

Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to FGM in

honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of FGM

for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable

before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in FGM

the land is polluted and becomes full of all evils. If men have no respect for

the complex delicate sex organ which
deliver them to the world, how will they have mercy

for one another even where they have common faith?

When the
earth is fully polluted in FGM, at a point in

life ,men turn the country a slaughter house for one another and the

communities at large. The seed of evil is planted and watered by parents. Men
can overturn the suffering girls go through in FGM over night when they are not
habitually cheated on issues concerning
FGM. They will take a firm stand that girls atrocities in FGM resulting in life time suffering is
not their joy and refuse sharing wives with Satan in FGM. No trade can
exist without customers. When men have true caring love and holy concern for our beloved sisters, Satanic
sacrifice in FGM will be an issue in the forgotten past. Men ought to know in
FGM that the devil has invaded the sanctuary of marriage and defiled the
fountain. Let your fountain be blessed Provebrs5:18-19. Men bear the automate
change over. Amen.

How would parents commit

their daughters to FGM so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it

their trade of life? How could someone say it was done in honor of religion

where God is mentioned and the clergy exist? How will ever be girls

compensated who are forced to FGM in their flower age after abandoning

the evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated

injured girls remain and the wounded soul and spirit cry to Almighty God. Many

parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in

institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the

wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? FGM is in the bosoms

of parents and the community at large. It all boils down to communities social

rottenness. The battle fields of double faiths range in their hearts and they

fail terribly to test of faith in God. Can parents be so cruel and evil minded
to perform FGM in name of morality in GOD? We need fathers who can stand for

God with their families when the lest rebel against God. Joshua 24:14-15

The greatest force behind FGM are fathers and young men. It is heart

breaking to hear women say if it were not of demands by fathers and young

men behind the sin they will not do it. In FGM parents break the spiritual and
physical integrity well being of their
daughters. It is all known some men dare not speak against FGM for it propel

them to political powers. The parents and the whole family votes are dear to

them centered on championing FGM us cultural heritage. Their political powers

are fueled by blood and flesh of young girls thus weakening laws passed to ban

FGM. The young girls fate hang out of balance since she cannot count on rescue

even from her dear brothers. Her fate is sealed by those who thirst for her

flesh and blood for the injustice of the beloved parents is awful cruel. It is
the time a father turns a cold shoulder
to his girl child and commit her to
Satan in fgm. The girl child lives with unresolved burning
self reserved resentments against her
parents but all they see is well to
their eyes. The dark embarrassing day of FGM remains vivid to her mind. Parents
will have their daughters physically but emotionally detached from them in
their old age a dilemma and a surprise to them. Their silent heart acre of lack of mutual trust
between their daughters will go down to
their old age.

Parents pride themselves in FGM since they receive their communities social

recognitions and acceptance at a price of permanently sexually deforming

their girls in FGM which they can view in a mirror. Parents are in Sodom of
their own even in places of

worship. Laws to ban FGM may not eliminate FGM since it can be done clinically

at home. Parents require deliverance of their souls and spirits to God.

In their liberated hearts their will not suffer any loose for abandoning FGM

for their trust in God is paramount. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis

fathers shall not subject their daughters to FGM in honor of the dead or

have sex with them making them prostitutes. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is a

Satanic sacrifice involving blood, soft bone and flesh and parents are more
bonded to

demonic world by sacrificing their girl child in FGM . The seed of evil is
planted by parents in joy. Let all Children of

Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in

God bless you all united against this demonic cultural practice called FGM. It
is the time the promises in fgm die out and the
demonic world open its gates wide for the girl child and closes its gates behind her back as she leaves the alter
of Satan empty handed for the lest of life time.

In Church of Christ, men should stop counting their up hold to

spiritual holiness in reverence to a defiled sexually mutilated sex organ of a

woman. Some men say when women are sexually crippled, men and women remain

faithful but to who? Which men are sexually crippled for women to remain holy?

Is the sexual organ of a woman an institution of worship for men? GOD IS HOLLY.

Men shouldn’t have defiled faith in God based on crippled sexual organ of a

woman. Men should love God with a pure heart. The sexual organ of a woman is

not a stay to a man’s faith in his God. Should a man share a wife with the

devil? FGM is ill tagged as a benefit to man child by those who

perpetuate this demonic sacrifice. Men who view their holiness in God through
the mutilated sexual organ of a woman put their faith in God demonic practices.
FGM is Satanic sacrifice imposed on womanhood by men behind the sin. Culturally women who had gone FGM as they

passed child bearing age and hung up the ploughs, the old man would marry

another young woman who had gone FGM referred to us the wife of his old age

with desires to have children. No eyes blow were raised against the wife by the

other wives since they understood their frigid
sexual rocky morbid state. They were not a joy to have as wives in
their old age . Love to

them was like surgery awake and they acknowledged the sexually active
state of their husband. It was a time their husband was like a sexual beast to
them. They sexually off loaded themselves through their husband’s young wife
of his old aged thus shifting the burden of the curse to the young

If a man has to be circumcised in the Church of Christ, he

should join our sisters in spiritual circumcision for all that is salvation.

Colossians 2: 8-12. Roman2:28-29. Can a wise man pride himself before God

counting the benefits of marrying a prostitute? In Church of Christ, only

uncultured men in Godly practices, uncouth, no witty and demonic sadist will

applaud sexual mutilation of young girls.

Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the perennial curse for the girl child and the

land. The land is polluted and all evils come to the nation.FGM defeat any

Godly purpose for it . Can any clergy support FGM? Only

those taught by apostles and ministers of Satan can support FGM. FGM exercise
the most Dignified Unreserved Beastly Cultural Atrocities on womanhood which is the deadly yoke of Satan hidden in
parenthood for demonic chastity acceptance.

Corinthians11:13-15. NO FGM WITH GOD .When

faithful Abraham the father of faith was commanded by God to be

circumcised at 99 years old with his son Ishmael at thirteen years old, he

God. Sarah and Hagar were not circumcised or any girl child since there is no
women circumcision with God. It was a clear

instruction and Abraham obeyed Jehovah God instructions to the letter. GENESIS

17: 1-27.

Parents only way out of this

demonic trap is to reconcile back to God together with their daughters by

asking for unreserved forgiveness and get saved. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness .
Jehovah God break the yoke of Satan in FGM at family pillars.


message is freely given

purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.

By Br. Robert Munyui Kamunyu.

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